John Bach John Bach

So many more cookies to bake

I’m not sure why we need to rank our memories this time of year, but it seems that we do. I suppose a quick “remember when” session helps stoke the magic that powers our traditions.

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John Bach John Bach

Thankful to so many for joining our journey

We never expected so many — more than 5,000 blog views by 2,100 different people so far — to come along for the journey. We are thankful for all of you, and we pray it helps others who find themselves walking a similar path.

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John Bach John Bach

When you’re allergic to chemotherapy

I saw the panic in Julie’s eyes as she struggled to breathe. She went completely flush as redness filled her face from chin to forehead like a glass filling with water.

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John Bach John Bach

Unpicked Gardens

The world doesn’t stop or slow down because of cancer or any other disease. And nor should it. Life and growth continue around you, and it must. The garden can’t wait for you to pick it, and your kids can’t pause their lives for you to catch up.

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John Bach John Bach

In her own words …

If you want the full effect of this Q&A, you should imagine the rhythmic sound of an IV pump pushing fluids throughout the conversation. That’s what it sounded like to me as Julie answered my questions from inside the chemo suite. We stopped in at the Barrett Cancer Center today for a bit of a tuneup after a rough day of nausea and getting sick. Figured it was a good time to see where Julie’s head is at.

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John Bach John Bach

Losing Your Hair With Style

As much as she tried to prepare herself for losing her long beautiful brown hair, it was still a shock — like an audible gasp, followed by crying — when a slight tug left her holding dozens of strands.

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John Bach John Bach

‘I Begged God for Good News’

“Unfortunately, I don’t have good news to share with you,” she said. You have a “somewhat aggressive form of cancer that has triple negative receptors.”

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John Bach John Bach

‘This is treatable’

Cancer. Of all the words I never thought would invade our home, this was the one I didn’t fear. All that changed this week.

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